2023年11月3日 须健:RootCellAtlas: A unified reference for single-cell and spatial analysis of root development and beyond

报告题目:RootCellAtlas: A unified reference for single-cell and spatial analysis of root development and beyond

主 讲 人:须健  讲席教授

主 持 人:李超  研究员

报告时间:2023年11月3日 9:00—11:20



须健博士是荷兰拉德堡德大学讲席教授,植物系统生理学系主任。2005年获得荷兰乌得勒支大学分子遗传学博士学位,之后在荷兰科学组织人才计划VENI奖资助下留校做博士后研究。2009年就职于新加坡国立大学生物科学系与生物成像科学中心,历任助理教授、副教授。2019年起受邀加盟拉德堡德大学,成为荷兰植物科学研究领域的首位华人讲席教授。 须教授历年来领导多学科交叉研究团队,从事动植物单细胞生物学相关研究,在Cell、Nature和Science顶级期刊上发表一系列研究论文。


Plant roots play a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth, anchoring plants in soil and facilitating the absorption of vital water and nutrients essential for their growth and, consequently, our food production.

Roots comprise an intricate array of cells with varying shapes and sizes, yet many of their intricacies remain undiscovered. To fully grasp the hidden world beneath the soil, we must gain comprehensive insights into the cellular composition of roots. Questions surrounding the transmission of signals between root cells and their communication with above-ground plant components beg answers. Enhanced knowledge of root cell biology and genetics empowers us to decipher why some roots exhibit superior resilience against environmental stresses such as heat, drought, or flooding. Regrettably, a readily accessible root cell atlas, a critical tool for this purpose, remains elusive.

Our initiative, the RootCellAtlas , offers scientists an invaluable resource for comprehending the intricacies of root life. Employing cutting-edge research techniques, we can now pinpoint the expression of all 27,000 genes in individual root cells. This yields unique gene expression profiles, which are then superimposed onto a virtual root. Consequently, researchers worldwide can easily decipher how specific genes manifest in root cells and distinguish them across various cell types and subtypes. This approach provides invaluable insights into the genetic underpinnings of root cell formation, paving the way for a deeper understanding of root development and beyond at the molecular level.
