主 讲 人:Zhenbiao Yang/杨贞标 教授
主 持 人:李超 研究员
报告时间:2023年11月1日 13:45-15:00
杨贞标,前加州大学河滨分校教授、福建农林大学代谢组中心学术指导委员会主任,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院/深圳理工大学(筹)讲席教授,深圳生物合成创新研究院农业和植物合成生物学研究中心主任。研究兴趣包括植物细胞生物学(细胞信号转递及其对植物细胞分化、植物生长、有性生殖等过程的调控)、作物代谢组学 (代谢组学在育种与品质和产地鉴别的应用)及植物合成生物学,在Nature,Science,Cell等杂志发表了140多篇论文,论文被引近19000次,H-index 73。
The auxin phytohormone has a role in most aspects of the life of a land plant and also has a regulatory role in early plants such as single cell green algae. Auxin's ubiquitous but specific effects have been mainly explained by the extraordinary ability of plants to interpret spatiotemporal patterns of auxin concentrations via the regulation of gene transcription. This is thought to be achieved through the combinatorial effects of two families of nuclear co-receptor proteins, i.e., the TIR1/AFBs and AUX/IAAs. Recent studies reveal a distinct auxin perception by TMKs and ABP1/ABLs occurring s in the apoplast. The lecture will highlight how auxin perceptions acts inside and outside the cell for the regulation of growth, development and morphogenesis and how intra- and extra-cellular auxin signaling pathways coordinate to regulate these processes.