4月18日 Steven. S. Hsiao――Similarities in the processing of shape and motion between touch and vision


题 目:触觉和视觉对形状和动作处理过程的相似性
报告人:Steven. S. Hsiao
时 间:2011年4月18日 10:00 am
地 点:中北校区老图书馆二楼会议室

  Steven. S. Hsiao,Professor of Neuroscience, Scientific Director, The Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University. Research interest is to understand the neural basis for tactile perception. Specifically, how are spatial forms, textures, complex vibrations and three dimensional objects (stereognosis) represented and transformed in the neural pathways leading to tactile perception.

  In this lecture, the speaker will discuss recent studies from studies of humans and non-human primates showing that the neural mechanisms of two-dimensional shape and motion processing of the hand are similar but not identical to the mechanisms to what has been reported previously in the visual system. Specifically neurons in area 3b of S1 cortex show tuned responses to oriented bars. Furthermore neurons in area 1 respond to tactile motion and neurons in area 2 and SII respond to curved shapes like neurons in area V4. However, while the mechanisms underling 3D shape processing appear to be different. In this case the neurons in SI and SII are greatly affected by hand conformation. The results suggest a working model of object size and shape processing.
